CML Reference - Introduction
Language Semantics
Context Map
Bounded Context
Domain and Subdomain
Domain Vision Statement
Shared Kernel
Open Host Service
Anticorruption Layer
Published Language
Responsibility Layers
Knowledge Level
Tactic DDD Syntax
Application and Process Layer
User Requirements
Value Registers
Architectural Refactorings
AR-1: Split Aggregate by Entities
AR-2: Split Bounded Context by Features
AR-3: Split Bounded Context by Owner
AR-4: Extract Aggregates by Volatility
AR-5: Extract Aggregates by Cohesion
AR-6: Merge Aggregates
AR-7: Merge Bounded Contexts
AR-8: Extract Shared Kernel
AR-9: Suspend Partnership
AR-10: Change Shared Kernel to Partnership
AR-11: Change Partnership to Shared Kernel
Responsibility Layers
The Responsibility Layers pattern from the “blue book” can be used on bounded contexts and aggregates to specify their responsibilities.
The responsibilities can simply be defined with the keyword/attribute responsibilities and a list of responsibilities (as strings):
BoundedContext CustomerManagementContext implements CustomerManagementDomain {
type = FEATURE
domainVisionStatement = "The customer management context is responsible for ..."
implementationTechnology = "Java, JEE Application"
responsibilities = "Customers", "Addresses"
Aggregate Customers {
responsibilities = "Customers", "Addresses"
Entity Customer {
- SocialInsuranceNumber sin
String firstname
String lastname
- List<Address> addresses
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