v6.4.0 Release Notes

Feb 17, 2021 • Stefan Kapferer

Today we released version 6.4.0 of Context Mapper 🥳

This release contains some bug fixes, a new Context Mapper CLI, improvements in the CML grammar, and it changes how the OOAD transformation step 3 handles object identifiers:

CML Grammar Improvements

  • Object attributes on the tactic DDD level can be marked with the keyword unique to indicate that its values must be unique.
  • Use Case / User Story grammar:
    • In addition to a and an, the can now be used as an entity article.

OOAD Step 3 Change

  • The OOAD step 3 transformation no longer generates Value Objects for the Entity identifiers, but simply generate a String attribute.
    • The String attribute can still be transformed into a Value Object with the corresponding quick fix.
    • This change improves the output of the MDSL generator (VO’s not necessarily desired in rapid prototyping process).

Bug Fixes

  • State transitions can have more than two states on the left side now.
  • The markdown glossary template has been improved and some bugs were fixed.

Context Mapper CLI

Thats already it for this new release of Context Mapper. As always, if you have any issues or other feedback, please let us know.